Destin Fire Control District

Beach Wheelchair Program

The Destin Fire Control District is happy to provide a no-cost Beach Wheelchair Program to allow residents or visitors, who need assistance, access to our beautiful beaches.


Service is available from:

Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend

Beach Wheels are available on a first come first serve basis.

Reservations are required 24 hours in advance.

Daily times available Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend
9:00 am  to  12:00 pm
1:00 pm  to  4:00 pm
9:00 am  to  4:00 pm


**Services are not available for after hour weddings/events and are not allowed on private property.

Beach Wheels are available to be used at three designated beach access points in Destin, Florida, and may not be moved or transported from those locations.  Access points are located at:

  • James Lee Park – 3510 Scenic Highway 98, near the Crab Trap restaurant
  • Shirah Street public beach access – 2850 Scenic Highway 98
  • June Decker public beach access – NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME 1950 Scenic Highway 98, near the Back Porch restaurant

Lifeguards will be available to provide assistance maneuvering the wheelchairs to the beach, as they are not motorized.

Please contact Destin Fire Control District at (850) 837-8413, Monday through Friday from 8am to 4pm cst to make your reservation.

Enjoy your stay!!